Students, scholars, professional and amateur genealogists, and all people interested in their ancestral heritage are in constant need of information about places, persons, families, and events in historic Carpathian Rus’. Detailed information of this kind is not likely to be found on the Internet or through other modern information media, but you will find it in these volumes.
Carpatho-Rusyn Studies features:
- over 1,600 bibliographical entries of books, journal articles, chapters, brochures, and albums dealing with Carpatho-Rusyns in Europe and America and published between the years 1995-1999 (Volume III) and 2000-2004 (Volume IV)
- each entry with full bibliographic data and a comprehensive annotated description of the item’s content
- easy-to read large-size (8½×11″) double-column format
- publications listed in English, Hungarian, all Slavic and other languages
- introductory surveys of scholarly trends in Carpatho-Rusyn studies during the decade 1995-2004
- indexes with thousands of names of individuals, places, events, and themes from the past and present in Carpathian Rus’ and among Carpatho-Rusyns in America
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