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The University of Prešov in the city of Prešov, Slovakia, announces its eleventh annual three-week Studium Carpatho-Ruthenorum International Summer School for Rusyn Language and Culture to be held from June 11 – July 1, 2023 (applicants from North America may begin arriving from Saturday, June 10, 2023). The program is hosted by the university‘s Institute of Rusyn Language and Culture. The University of Prešov is the only university in the Slovak Re- public offering a full-time academic program in Rusyn language and literature accredited for both the B.A and M.A. in Rusyn Language and Literature.
The Studium summer school is intended for those interested in studying the Rusyn language and the history of the Carpatho-Rusyns, including high school (18 and over) and college students, as well as Slavists and any who wish to broaden their knowledge of East Slavic language, history, and culture. Participants can expect to acquire a familiarity with or strengthen their competency in the Rusyn language, as well as gain an understanding of Carpatho-Rusyn history, culture, literature, and ethnography.
The Studium Carpatho-Ruthenorum is held on the campus of the University of Prešov, at 17th of November Street, No15 (ulica 17. Novembra, č. 15), with the dormitory, cafeteria, and classroom building, all located in close proximity. Instruction is provided by university professors, distinguished Slavists, and specialists in Carpatho-Rusyn studies from Slovakia, Ukraine, the United States, and Canada. The language of instruction, in parallel courses, is either Rusyn or English. The program offers 20 hours of history lectures and 30 hours of language instruction. A six-hour minicourse in Carpatho-Rusyn ethnography will be offered in English and a ten-hour minicourse in Carpatho-Rusyn ethnography in Rusyn as part of the curriculum. The 11th year of the Studium Carpatho-Ruthenorum will include four hours of lectures in Carpatho-Rusyn literature in English. Extra practice sessions outside of the classroom will help participants strengthen their conversational skills. Participants who complete the program receive official certificates from the Studium, and transcripts will be available for students who wish to earn credits for the program through their home universities.
The history lecture series focuses on Carpathian Rus’ and the Carpatho-Rusyns worldwide from the earliest times to the present. Lecturers include Professor Dr. Paul Robert Magocsi, University of Toronto, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valerii Padiak, University of Prešov, Slovakia.
The Rusyn language is offered for beginners, for students who have some knowledge of Russian, Ukrainian, or another Slavic language, and for native speakers of Rusyn. These classes are intended to help participants acquire an understanding of the theoretical linguistic aspects of the Rusyn language, as well as to develop proficiency in the spoken and written language. Lecturers include Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kvetoslava Koporová and Karina Muliar, MA, graduate of the Institute for Rusyn Language and Culture of the University of Prešov.
The mini-course in Carpatho-Rusyn ethnography is taught in English by Professor Dr. Marta Botiková, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, and in Rusyn by Assoc. Prof. dr. Valerii Padiak, University of Prešov, and covers selected topics in folklore and ethnography.
The lectures in English present a new perspective on the past and present of Carpatho-Rusyn literature. The lecturer is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicholas Kupensky, United States Air Force Academy.
The following activities take place outside of class and include:
- presentations on Rusyn traditions, folklore, and the socio-cultural life of Carpatho-Rusyns in Slovakia;
- presentations on Rusyn folk architecture and culture, including visits to museums, skanzens, and wooden churches, and excursions in the Prešov Region of northeastern Slovakia where Rusyns reside, and abroad;
- a Rusyn literary evening;
- visits to the Alexander Dukhnovych Theater and film viewings;
- pysankŷ (wax resist egg decorating), folksong and dance workshops;
- an excursion to Topolia, the birthplace of Aleksander Dukhnovych, where crafts of Carpatho-Rusyns in Slovakia, and where SCR participants will have the opportunity to try some of them (the process of baking bread, making clay vessels, threshing grain, etc.)
- participation in the teaching process in the Rusyn elementary school.
For more information
Click here for more information. [PDF]
Click here to download the application. [Word]
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